Seems to match Seitz's not particularly detailed description except for size: C. entella Druce. Head and collar are metallic blue, antennae black. Collar, thorax and abdomen above bright-red, the 3 last abdominal rings black; dorsal and lateral spots metallic blue. Ventral side black, on the 2nd and 3rd rings white. The forewings have a red basal part, veins, margins and a pex are black; also the hyaline hindwings are bordered with black. Expanse of wings: 45 mm. Ecuador. Also seems to be almost dentical with BOLD BC ZSM Lep 32417 From the "Catalogue of Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum, Supp. 1: Cosmosoma entella. (Plate VIIT. fig. 3.) Cosmosoma entella, Druce, A. M. N. H. (7) iii. p. 229 (1899). 3d. Head and tegule black with patches of metallic blue on frons, vertex, and tegule ; thorax crimson, the patagia edged with black, a black and nimeees pot on mesothorax ; legs scarlet streaked with black; abdomen black with large lateral scarlet patches except on last two segments leaving a dorsal series of triangular black marks with blue spots on then and a lateral series of blue spots ; the terminal half of ventral valve white. Fore wing hy aie. the veins and margins black; a crimson patch below meee of costa and short streak on vein ue “the terminal band expanding very widely on apical area and slightly at tornus. Hind swing hyaline, the veins and margins black; slight crimson marks at base; the terminal band expanding towards apex and shghtly towards tornus. Hab. Ecvapor, Balsampamba, type ¢ ¢ in Coll. Joicey. Exp. 44 millim. AZ NOTE: Cat. Lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. uses a non-standard definition of "tegulae" and "patagia". From Vol. 1: "The thorax consists of three segments-the prothorax, bearing the tegulm or collar-lappets, the patagia or shoulder-lappets, and the fore legs ..."